Inside cornrows are the styles of hair braiding in which the hair is braided very close to scalp using an under hand and up ward motion to make a continuous raised row.

Inside cornrows are often done in simple and  straight lines  as the terms imply , but they can be styled in curvilinear designs.

Depending on the religion of AFRICA, inside cornrows are worn by both genders and are in few occasions a droned with beads, hair cuffs or cowrie shells.

The duration of inside cornrows braids may take up to 3 to 4 hours depending on the style braided.

Often favored for their easy maintenance, cornrows can be left in for weeks at times if maintained through carefully washing of the hair and natural oiling of the scalp.

Inside cornrows are considered as a protective style on AFRICAN weak hair as they allow for easy and restorative growth.

NOTE; When braiding inside cornrows you should always avoid the baby hair, because once you start braiding with the additional of baby hair it will lead to the breakage of the hair line and pain which makes it not to stay for long.

                                               BY;MAURICE a.k.a THECROCHETMASTER @HAIRZIPPER. 




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